Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Counting our blessings...and eating humble pie...

Ok, I must eat humble pie...

In the last entry,  I lamented on my "impatience" with the progress Cassi is making and was kindly reminded to go back to the day we received the diagnosis for Cassi's IVDD.  I have to remind myself that we were told that we might not see ANY movement out of her rear end for 6 MONTHS after the surgery.  6 MONTHS!   Right out of surgery, Dr. Cheri had mentioned she was not too encouraged since the surgery had not restored, at least, a trace of "deep pain response".  There was nothing.

And now, let me tell you about the server of the "humble pie"...Nicole...

Juli, the physical therapist at Animal Care Center in Rohnert Park, mentioned on our first visit that I might find information and insipration in the blog of a young woman that has a dog with this same spinal injury.  The blog is at and is the story, much like mine, from the start of the incident with her perecious Alec.  Remember I said that intervertebral disc disease was most common in short-legged, long-bodies breeds...well, it is possible in larger dogs also.  Nicole's boy, Alec, is a 67 pound German Shepard.  If you read this latest entry in Nicole's blog, it will pretty much catch you up on her story, which is an incredible journey of love, patience and devotion to this wonderful animal that has touched my heart immensely.  And in that latest entry, yes...I am the impatient one she writes about...hence the "humble pie"...

Nicole is one of those that didn't see ANY movement for the first 6 months following, not one, but TWO surgeries!  I am not going to re-tell her story here, you really need to read it for yourself.  Suffice it to say, we are extremely lucky that Cassi is making the progress that she is so rapidly.  There is no set time for recovery from this and each dog progresses at their own pace, some not at all. I envy Nicole for her strength to deal with this, not only spiritually but also literally.  It seems ironic to me that she is dealing with this injury in her 67 pound dog at small her size and I get a 17 pound patient...but love has no boundries...

I am counting our blessings that she is recovering so rapidly.  I believe my impatience might stem from her making such a rapid recovery...I just want to do everything I can for this little girl and sometimes feel I am not doing enough. She is getting stronger...and so am I. 

Thank you, Nicole...

PS- Our third PT appointment is tomorrow (02/11/10)...stay tuned for an update and more pictures and video!

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