Second, I am NOT going to go back and rehash all the boring details that I outlined in the Thanksgiving update. I think the entry before Thanksgiving said something about "Next...Cassi is released...". I covered that in the TG update, so if you missed it, read that one. I think that update brings you pretty much up to date...
Forward, I say...which is where Cassi is at also...moving forward! As the title says, we are not ready to use the "M" word (miracle) yet, but she is progressing rather rapidly! I hope I can remember the order we are seeing the improvement in, there is so much. My first prediction was that she would be walking by year end, 12/31/09. That was before Thanksgiving...since then, I have revised my prediction once to "by Christmas"...jokingly, I said "by December"...and this may not be too far off base...
I know, December starts tomorrow, but let me tell you what has been happening with her. As I mentioned in the Thanksgiving update, she was, then, starting to use her muscles in her legs to "squat" down when I was expressing her urine. The diapers are working out great at keeping her clean and dry, but I still express her to make sure she is emptying her bladder. She has come to the point now that, when I take the diaper off, she starts her bowel movement...and goes into the "poop squat" as the muscles in her legs "remember" how to do this. She will not defecate in the diaper anymore unless she is desperate.
With this happening with her muscles, we incorporated the "standing" exercises into her regimen that Dr. Cheri of the PESCM had recommended. We hold her up under the belly and place her feet right, so they aren't knuckling under. She has a little balance problem on the hind end, but she started out by standing for 20-30 seconds while I supported the side she was leaning to (the right side seems a bit weaker). Today she stood with my help for over 2 minutes! When she is up, I have to hold her back because the front end wants to go! We are allowing her a bit more freedom around the rest of the house, under our supervision of course. And the supervision of her brother, Orion...
I have some of this progress on video and will figure out how to post them on my YouTube account and link them in. I wouldn't believe it unless I hadn't seen it myself. We are very pleased with her progress at this point and we are confident we will have our "little girl" back soon...BEFORE CHRISTMAS! What a blessed event that will be.
Today, she is out of her pen, relaxing in her normal spot. Every once in a while, she will head towards the doggie door to try to follow her brother outside...but she doesn't have her special collar on that opens the door. She is pretty fast on two front legs, but we don't want her to get too used to it. We know she will walk again...the best part of this is...
Today we saw her tail wag...for the first time! Yay Miss Cassi! We love you so!
You are such great parents!