Ok, so she is not walking perfectly...but she is giving it a heck of a shot! The faster she moves the better she seems to walk, mostly when she gets excited for one reason or another like her Mommy (Diane) coming home or Orion barking at the birdies in the backyard. Well, today is the day she'll have the chance to chase those birdies...if she wants to...
To be honest, started an update over a week ago and never posted it because I never finished it. I bought an inexpensive video camera that puts everything you record in one day in the same file AND has crappy editing software which is the ONLY thing I can use to retreive the videos from the camera. I use it to find the breaks between, what they call, the "scenes" and use a nice editing package to split the files...needless to say, this takes a bit of time so I didn't post anything until I finished splitting the "scenes".
I bought one of these harnesses in anticipation of assisting Cassi on "walkies" out in the real world again (booties not included). I am hoping to not need it for long, as she is progressing rather rapidly. Friday the 15th will be exactly 2 months after the incident. We never in our wildest dreams thought she would be progressing so quickly...it has to be all of YOUR prayers and thoughts! Plus, her age helps a bit. She is young, strong and determined to walk again!

Which leads me to today...Cassi's visit to Dr. Cheri Nielsen at the Pet Emergency and Specialty Center of Marin this morning. Cassi did her usual "shakey" thing on the way down to the vet as if she knew where we were headed. From her angle on the seat, all you can see if what's up in the sky...maybe she recognizes things. Cassi has had two "traumatic" incidents at both The Country Vet when she was "fixed" and they also repaired her umbilical hernia, and at PESCM...and I believe they have great memories of things like that. Anyway, I let reception know I was there and waited for a few minutes. One of the techs came out and talked with me, asking about her progress. She then took her back to draw urine (still has a bladder infection...) and to visit with Dr. Cheri. After a short period, Dr. Cheri emerged from the back...with a rather large smile on her face. "You didn't post any video that she was walking" she says...."I guess you wanted to surprise me!" Dr. Cheri was beaming! I could only tell her how grateful we were that she was there to take care of our little girl. I felt "scolded" and, I must admit, I have been rather lax at posting. But I couldn't have been "scolded" by a kinder person.
Now, the great news...Dr. Cheri has recommended physical therapy at Animal Care Center in Rohnert Park! I have been concerned that we were doing "the right thing" for Cassi now that she is regaining her legs. I don't want her to injure other parts while healing this injury. I was concerned and made some calls last week about this place and another in Mill Valley. The ACC in Rohnert Park comes highly recommended by everyone I talk to, including our groomer and now Dr. Cheri. I told Dr. Cheri that she should call soon because I was calling for an appointment as soon as I get home...which I did. First visit is at 3:30pm TODAY! And I can bring my camera, so I will have a few pictures. Oh, and Dr. Cheri said to leave Cassi out of the diapers! Outside potties here we come!

I still think Orion is going to be a big help in the comback. He is "antsy' for her to play! In this VIDEO, Cassi walks towards the camera and proceeds to "bug" her brother by biting his face (face-wrestling as I call it). They do this quite frequently and I, sometimes, have to seperate them for fear of him hurting her. He still outweighs by 7-8 pounds. Surprisingly, Dr. Cheri said they could go back to their normal,run around, knock-down game they play in the back yard. She sometimes does 3-4 rolls when he "knocks" her over on the run...it is actually hysterical!
This next VIDEO was taken last week when we went out to dinner for Paige's birthday. I left the camera rolling to see how they reacted to being alone again. They have always been really good about being alone because they have each other. This video was mostly them reacting to cars driving by and the house kittys roaming around. There was this one section where she walks towards the camera, pauses, continues and then walks away, back to her rest spot. Pretty cool and not "sad" as some might say. She had NOTHING down there...no "deep pain" reaction, no tail-wagging...nothing! We are blessed that she is recovering so quickly! She will be fully functional, I feel, by 3 months after...Feb 15th...which is 6 days after my birthday.
And lastly, the same night...this VIDEO shows Cassi standing strong when we got home. She even ventured out a bit onto the "hardwood" floor! Once she manages the Pergo, she can handle everything! Off now to the PT appointment! More pics and video later! Thanks for checking in!
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