The picture at the above right is just before this video on our walk day before yesterday. Since Cassi refuses to move when we place her in the cart, I have decided to just start walking her around the block without it. This is part 1 of 2 and on this walk, I started with the uphill. When we start out, Cassi is pulling on the leash, almost in a run...excited to be out! I have to keep the leash taut to slow her down, other wise she does this "bunny-hop" gait...it's cute, but not preferred. She still shows some curve, or scoliosis, to her spine but I can feel the muscles on the surgery side (left) developing some strength from where they were atrophied.
The picture at the left shows where Cassi's hair (not fur, as my wife constantly reminds me) has grown back darker over the scar tissue...sort of a deep red. We were told that the hair might not even grow back because of the sharpness of the surgical shaving blade. Now, she has her own little reminder "tattoo". Anyway, here is part 2 of or walk on 4/19. Notice she is straightening out more and more?
Another thing she has been slowly relearning is the "scratch with the back feet" process...she has come a long way with this. I didn't get video of her first attempts, but she would just move her foot without contacting her face. I would scratch her face, which kept her foot moving. Eventually, as you see, she got the two together. :^)
I have made another accomodation for Miss Cassi...a "Handicap Ramp" of sorts. Initially, I bought the lumber to make a wider ramp to let her come and go through the open back door with the cart, but since she won't use the cart, I made a ramp for the doggie door. She has no problem going up one step, but the doggie door created a second "step" for her, which she wasn't willing to do. She would just sit at the back door and "arf"..."arf arf"...for us to let her in. Prior to the ramp, I had cinder blocks placed as a "step". Oh yeah, finally found a good place for the sigh Sandi and Sharon gave us when we first got the pups...Thanks!
Another few videos and I am done here for now...Part 1 of our walk on 4/20.
This day, we started in the downhill direction. I think this is the way to go, because the leash will pull more to the left side to straighten her out. In part 2, she is not so energetic after completing the block...but it doesn't take long for her to get it back! Later in the evening, she taunts her brother, Orion into chasing her by stealing his toy. No lack of energy here!
For Juli, Amanda and Dr. Cheri, if you read here PLEASE leave me comments as to your thoughts on Cassi's progress without the cart. Will she eventually get "straightened out" and get her strength back on our walks? We have also started back to the dog park with great success so far...but only the small MHS dog park...no big doggies. Also, is there any sort of dog "back brace"?
Thanks for checking in!
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